2013. február 2., szombat

kernel-TSM v1.05.5 /Nexus 7/

slukk Nexus 7 JB 4.2 kernel 


Asus\Nvidia\Google Linux 3.1.10 base
All stock features are supported (camera, OTG, NFC etc.)
Build with Linaro 4.7.3 2013.01-1~dev toolchain
Compiler optimizations (-O2)
Supports Android Jellybean 4.2.x
I/O Scheduler: Deadline, Noop, Row, Cfq, Sio, VR
Governors: Interactive, Performance, Ondemond, Conservative, PegasusQ
Variable GPU OC: 416-700 MHz (def. 446)
TCP Congestion Control: Westwood+, H-TCP, High Speed TCP, Hybla, Vegas, Scalable, Low Priority, Veno, YeAH, Illinois, Cubic, Reno, Bic
Available CPU freq: 51, 102, 204, 370, 475, 620, 760, 910, 1150, 1300
Available CPU OC freq: 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700
Undervolt interface
Set LZO kernel compression (info: http://planet.linaro.org/tag/boot%20time/)
Modules build-in kernel
Custom Voltage control
initramfs - insecure
fsync sysfs enable/disable switch (defaults to fsync enabled)
Support init.d scripts
Update to interactive > interactive + NVIDIA patch

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